Reach Your Peak Potential with a Dedicated Accountability Partner

You’re Not Here To Be Average, You’re Here To Be Awesome

Why Would You Want To Hire An Accountability Partner?

Here are the 10 most common reasons to hire an accountability partner.

Increased Productivity

An accountability partner helps to prioritize tasks and projects, leading to better time management and higher productivity. Having regular check-ins makes it easier to stay focused on what matters most and avoid distractions.

Goal Achievement

Having an external partner to follow up on goals and commitments increases the likelihood that they will actually be achieved. People who wrote down their goals and share them with someone else are significantly more likely to achieve their goals than those who do not.

External Perspective

An accountability partner can offer an objective, outside perspective on business decisions and strategies. This can help identify blind spots and opportunities that may not be obvious to the person in the middle of the business.

Results-Driven Investment

The cost of an accountability partner is often small compared to the increased revenue and improved results that can be achieved through better goal achievement and efficiency. The potential return on investment can be significant.

Support & Motivation

An accountability partner acts as a coach and mentor, providing both emotional and practical support. This can be particularly valuable during difficult periods or when motivation is lacking.

Accountability & Discipline

By regularly reporting progress to someone else, you are more likely to stick to your commitments and deadlines. This increases personal discipline and accountability.

Sustainable Growth

An accountability partner can help focus on long-term strategies and sustainable growth instead of short-term gains. This is crucial to building a robust and successful business.

Personal Development

Working with an accountability partner provides continuous feedback and opportunities for self-reflection. This promotes personal development and leadership skills.

Improved Planning & Organization

Regular meetings with an accountability partner help to create and maintain a structured planning and organization process. This leads to more efficient work and better results.

Stress Reduction

Having someone to share responsibilities and problems with can reduce stress and burnout. An accountability partner can help manage workload and set boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

What’s Included in the Accountability Partnership

Discuss your goals and see if this program is the right fit for you.

Deep dive into your goals and create a tailored plan.

Stay on track with regular, structured meetings.

Assess your progress every three months and earn 50% back if you meet your goals.

Get access to resources, articles, links, and tips to help you reach your goals faster and more effectively.

Investment & Guarantee

240,000 SEK per year, billed quarterly. Achieve your goals every quarter and get 50% of your investment back.

80,000 SEK for 3 months. Enjoy the same benefits and structure as the annual plan.

If you meet your weekly goals and achieve your targets by the end of each quarter, you get 50% of your investment back. One miss is allowed per three-month period.

My Journey: From Struggle to Success

Welcome to my world, where passion for helping others meets the power of accountability and strategic business development.

My Story

On February 8, 1993, at the age of 12, my life changed forever. I was picked up from school by my aunt and told that my dear mother had collapsed at work due to a severe stroke. She was gravely ill, and my world turned upside down. With new living arrangements and routines, I often felt incredibly lonely. There was no one to truly ask, ‘How are you, Mats? How are you feeling?’ This experience made me realize my desire to help others. Initially, I dreamed of becoming a doctor to prevent others from suffering like my mother and to ensure no one felt the isolation I did.

However, my journey took a new direction in January 2006 during a trip to South America. At the airport in Costa Rica, I came across a book that would transform my life—’Rich Dad Poor Dad.’ I devoured it, and by the time we landed in Mexico, I had finished it. This book ignited my passion for entrepreneurship and finance.

In August 2006, I landed a job at Founders Alliance, a business network for successful entrepreneurs. I had the privilege of working with some of Sweden’s top entrepreneurs. This experience fueled my desire to become an entrepreneur myself, with dreams of changing the world. Since then, I have run several companies, including a digital marketing agency, a tourist agency, and engaged in real estate investing. Over the past 15 years, I have honed my skills in business development, helping other entrepreneurs and leading teams to success.

Despite my early enthusiasm, my naivety led to hasty decisions and tough times for my business. I felt lost without anyone to bounce ideas off of. In 2012, I secured a prestigious recruitment mission as a consultant for one of Sweden’s largest recruitment projects. However, I soon realized that not everything that glitters is gold. My family and I were happy, renovating our newly purchased house in Dalarna. Unfortunately, the renovation costs soared, our funds dwindled, and I lost the recruitment project. This led to my wife leaving me, nearly losing custody of my children, and facing personal bankruptcy in 2019.

On November 30, 2022, the rise of AI presented a game-changing opportunity for me and other entrepreneurs. I gained access to tools that simplified the tasks and processes I had struggled with throughout my entrepreneurial journey. Since then, I have dedicated thousands of hours to mastering these structures and optimizing workflows, allowing me to focus on what truly matters.

Today, I am dedicated to working as an accountability partner, helping entrepreneurs and business leaders stay accountable and achieve their goals faster. Coaching is not new to me—it’s something I have passionately done for years, guiding others to success. It feels incredibly rewarding to be able to do this again, empowering individuals to reach their full potential and overcome the challenges they face in their entrepreneurial journey. Your success is my mission, and I am here to support you every step of the way.

Remember, you are not alone!

Thank you.

Credentials and Expertise:

  • Experience: Over a decade of experience working with top entrepreneurs and understanding their unique challenges.
  • Achievements: Successfully helped numerous clients streamline their processes and achieve significant time and cost savings.
  • Expertise: Specialized in integrating AI and automation into business workflows, providing tailored solutions that drive efficiency and growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an accountability partner?

Answer: An accountability partner is a dedicated professional who helps you stay on track with your goals, providing regular check-ins, guidance, and support to ensure you achieve your targets.

2. How does the accountability partnership work?

Answer: Our program includes weekly 30-minute check-ins to review progress, set goals, and plan for the upcoming week. We also conduct quarterly reviews to assess your overall progress and provide additional support and feedback.

3. What can I expect during the initial strategy call?

Answer: The initial 30-minute strategy call is a free consultation where we discuss your goals, challenges, and how our accountability partnership can help you. It’s an opportunity to see if our program is the right fit for you.

4. What happens during the onboarding session?

Answer: During the 1.5-hour onboarding session, we dive deep into your goals and challenges, review your responses from the detailed questionnaire, and create a tailored plan for your weekly check-ins.

5. What is included in the exclusive platform?

Answer: The exclusive platform provides access to a wealth of resources, including articles, links, tips, and recommended apps and software to help you achieve your goals more efficiently.

6. How much does the accountability partnership cost?

Answer: The annual plan costs 240,000 SEK, billed quarterly. There is also a quarterly plan available for 80,000 SEK, with the same benefits and structure.

7. What is the 50% money-back guarantee?

Answer: If you meet your weekly goals and achieve your targets by the end of each quarter, you receive 50% of your investment back. You are allowed one miss per three-month period.

8. How do the weekly check-ins work?

Answer: Weekly check-ins are 30-minute sessions where we review your progress, discuss any challenges, and plan for the upcoming week to ensure you stay on track with your goals.

9. Can I reschedule my check-in sessions?

Answer: Yes, sessions can be rescheduled. At the latest 7 days prior to a scheduled session to ensure consistency and accountability in our meetings.

10. What if I miss a weekly goal?

Answer: You are allowed one miss per three-month period without affecting your eligibility for the 50% money-back guarantee. Consistency is key, and we work with you to get back on track.

11. How do quarterly reviews work?

Answer: Quarterly reviews are comprehensive assessments of your progress. We evaluate your achievements, address any setbacks, and adjust your plan to ensure continued growth and success.

12. What kind of support can I expect between sessions?

Answer: You will have access to the exclusive platform for resources and can contact me via email and WhatsApp for additional support and guidance between sessions.

13. Who are your typical clients?

Answer: Our typical clients are successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who are looking to maximize their productivity, achieve their goals, and sustain long-term growth.

14. How do I get started with the accountability partnership?

Answer: To get started, book your free 30-minute strategy call through our website. During the call, we’ll discuss your needs and determine if our program is the right fit for you.

15. What makes your accountability partnership different from other coaching services?

Answer: Our program is uniquely structured with a focus on regular check-ins, goal tracking, and providing actionable feedback. Additionally, our 50% money-back guarantee ensures you stay committed to achieving your goals.

16. How do you ensure confidentiality?

Answer: We take your privacy seriously and ensure that all information shared during sessions and through our platform is kept confidential and secure.

17. What if I need more than 30 minutes for a check-in session?

Answer: Our standard check-ins are 30 minutes, but we can arrange longer sessions if needed. Additional time can be scheduled at an agreed-upon rate.

18. Can I cancel my partnership at any time?

Answer: You can cancel your partnership program with a 30-day notice before the next billing cycle, in that case we will send a final invoice for 50% of the outstanding investment. Please note that refunds for previous periods are not provided.

19. How soon can I start seeing results?

Answer: Many clients start seeing improvements in their productivity and goal achievement within the first few weeks. Consistent engagement and following the tailored plan are key to long-term success.

20. What if I decide the program isn’t right for me after starting?

Answer: If you feel the program isn’t right for you after the initial onboarding session, you can cancel within 14 days thereafter. I aim to ensure you are fully satisfied and achieving your goals.

What My Clients Say

Partnering with Mats and his company has transformed how I approach my work and personal development. The access to the exclusive platform, filled with valuable resources, articles, and tips, has been a treasure trove of knowledge that has helped me streamline my processes and implement new strategies. The quarterly reviews not only kept me accountable but also provided deep insights and actionable feedback that propelled my business forward. This accountability partnership is a must-have for any business leader serious about sustainable growth and personal excellence.

Pauline Gilbert

Job title, Company

Before partnering with Mats, I struggled with staying organized and meeting my business goals. The accountability and support I received have been invaluable. Not only have I achieved my quarterly goals and earned the 50% back guarantee, but I’ve also developed better habits and a more disciplined approach to my work. This program is worth every penny and more.

Nathan May

Job title, Company

Working with you Mats has been a game-changer for me and my business. The weekly check-ins and structured goal setting have kept me on track and motivated. I’ve seen a significant increase in my productivity and have been able to achieve milestones that once seemed out of reach. I highly recommend this accountability partnership to any entrepreneur looking to take their business to the next level.

Danielle Knight

Job title, Company

Ready to Reach Your Peak Potential?

Take the first step towards achieving your goals. Book a free 30-minute strategy call with me today and discover how the accountability partnership can help you succeed. I’m here to listen, coach, collaborate, and drive your vision forward, so that you can reach the goals you’ve set for yourself, faster than ever before! I look forward to talk to you face to face.